Welcome to Real Equity Partners

We are a private investment company that acquires, leases, and sells residential real estate.

Explore if Selling for cash as-is or full price fast sale is right for you.

Explore if Lease Option Purchase is right for you.

We Buy Houses

Sell your property through fast sale alternatives off-market.

* Cash sale is a simple way to sell as wholesale pricing to unload a property and move on.

* Equity Care sale is a simple way to sell for full price quickly.

There are many scenarios when selling quickly is the best solution for you as the seller. Contact us to see if your property and situation qualify for either of these programs. 

Why Sell Off-market Explained
Request An Offer 

Lease Option Purchase

Aquire your next home through lease option purchase.

Lease Option Purchase is the simple way to move into the home you intent to buy without having to qualify for a mortgage at this time.

Are you intending to buy a home however you are not ready to qualify for a mortgage or the timing is not right to buy now? Perhaps Lease Option Purchase is the right option for you.

Lease Option Purchase is an increasingly popular method of buying a home through a lease agreement and an option to purchase a property at an agreed upon price 3- years in the future. This method enables you to move in now and delay qualifying for a mortgage until you are ready. 

Lease Option Purchase Explained
Contact Leasing Office